
Find all the past talks from our Apéros Ruby. Whether you're a beginner or a confirmed developer, feel free to give a talk and share your experience with the community.

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How to find a subject to talk about?

Past talks

April 2017

December 2016

any level

10 choses que j'ai apprises sur le dev grâce à Megadeth

September 2016

any level

Euruko 2016

any level

Spina - CMS Ruby on Rails

any level

Is Ruby functional?

soft skills

Ruby Together

April 2016

soft skills

How to find a subject to talk about

any level

Démo d'un refactoring en 6 étapes

February 2016


Utiliser Middleman avec des clients

any level

Présentation de la gem administrate

any level

Présentation du projet Gemsavvy


Code Ruby like you build Lego

November 2015

soft skills

Community Overflow

October 2015

any level

Internationalisation d'une application Rails

September 2015

any level

Craft everything with Middleman

October 2012

any level


any level

Bootstrap - retour d'expérience et intégration avec Rails

June 2012

any level

Les bonnes pratiques Ruby on Rails

any level

WebDesign for developers - Formtastic, BootStrap, FontAwesome, ...

April 2012

any level

Initiation à Ruby on Rails

February 2012

any level

Passage de Ruby on Rails 2.3 à 3.1

any level

SASS vs Less

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